Following are my Major Accomplishments working in the Manufacturing Industry, in various positions from my early introduction as Assistant Foreman through Foreman, Production Manager, Plant Manager, Buyer, Purchasing Manager, Manufacturing Manager, Vice President and finally as Manufacturing Consultant. 



Within my first month with this organization through  competitive bidding, I reduced the cost of cutting and lubricating oils from $3.35 per gallon to $2.05 per gallon. this resulted in a cost savings of $10,400 per year
With the use of my home computer and Lotus software set up a number of programs and weekly reports which quickly gave instant information on operator efficiency to time standards in the screw machine department and secondary machining department.

Completely setup a new product line with the help of a manufacturing Engineer. This included design of product and tooling, The supervision of tool manufacturing, and initial production setups and runs. The establishment of computer reports on costs. The control of outside machine builders of specialized machines.

Reduced the use of trichloroethylene from over 10,000 pounds per year to less than 5,000 pounds. This was accomplished by using water soluble cleaners in process and containing the hazardous liquids in such a way to prevent evaporation to the environment.
Introduced SPC to the factory through the use of electronic data collection devices in conjunction with computer programming. Trained all personnel in its use and value.

Conducted weekly training courses for personnel in decimals, fractions, algebra trigonometry, Machining Fundamentals,   solving machining problems. Tooling Technology.

Wrote and instituted all OSHA Safety Procedures as required by OSHA. Wrote and instituted all Hazardous Chemicals and waste procedures, as required by the U.S. and State  Government. 
Instrumental in the justification, purchase negotiation, purchase contract development of Capitol Equipment.
Introduced new methods of manufacturing which produced a better quality product at less cost. 


Devised and instituted a standard purchasing form for complete watch on site purchasing. This for the first time in the history of the Bulova Watch Company, made it possible for Bulova purchase orders to be a complete contract. Containing articles for cost breakdowns required by customs, free spare watch quantities, complete delivery schedules, complete shipping instructions, Gold values date of order, order confirmation, specifications of manufacture, acceptance and inspection criteria, drawings, freight forwarders, progress reporting, invoicing procedures, warranty and in warranty repair clause, product information clause, exclusivity clause, spare parts availability, insurance, and reorder maximum pricing clause.
Devised and instituted procedures for establishing manufacturing estimates for product to be purchased, prior to on site purchase. This provided a window of purchase price between the manufacturing cost estimate and the calculated maximum purchase price as set by the marketing selling price. Again a first for Bulova, it prevented a multitude of problems encountered in the field.
During product reordering trips, which occurred two to four times a year. I was always able to negotiate a lower price with a cost savings of $200,000 to $600,000 per reordering trip cycle.
Devised and instituted a procedure for new vendor evaluation. Upon completion of a new facility visit and completion of the procedural report, a committee would meet and approve or disapprove the vendor from information provided in my report.
Sat on the business planning committee for the development of plans to increase the companies market share in the industry.


Changed many old established methods of manufacturing watch cases to more efficient methods, with the results of reducing the average watchcase manufacturing time from twenty five minutes to fifteen minutes.
Instituted simple production control methods, prepared and maintained by the individual department supervisor. This yielded invaluable information as to product location in the manufacturing process. Instituted simple quality control records which provided historical data on product processed.

 When it became necessary for the watchcase division to provide a watchcase and an attachment, I was assigned the total responsibility of making this a reality. I set up purchasing procedures, located sources worldwide, source inspected, negotiated contracts on site, controlled quality and delivery to coincide with manufacturing. 

Due my efforts in this responsibility, the addition of attachments to the watchcase division was a total success.


With a team of four people, one mechanical engineer, one manufacturing engineer (myself), and two toolmakers we developed, built and debugged a hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical manufacturing machine, which at that time was an innovation to the industry. The machine was considered one of the first mechanical robots.
 With one operator who loaded and placed a fixture on a track, the machine performed 250 different machining operations in seven seconds. Furthermore, within this time period the part was unloaded, the fixture cleaned, automatic fixture return to the operator and the part checked for broken tools.
In the fuze (Motor Shell contact fuze) department we manufactured two million fuzes for the U.S. Government without one failure. I believe this type of performance can only be accomplished with happy and contented employees. I always motivated and insisted on very close employee relations. 


Motivated the company to change from standard paint spraying to electro-static spraying on the product. This change reduced rejects from 10% to less than 1%. Reduced paint consumption by 30% and cut paint line maintenance in half. 


As manager of fabrication, I was the main instrument in the motivation of employees in fabrication to change from a cost plus operation to a non-incentive piece rate system. This included introduction of operation sheets with accurate time studies for each operation. 
I feel that this change in manufacturing was highly instrumental in making the company successful on future government contract bidding.
Motivated and worked with sixty five machine and sheet metal shop employees to participate in a zero defects program, consequently, for four straight months we had no defects. ( I hold a letter of commendation reflecting this.)

Submitted many cost reductions which were mainly due to the institution of the non-incentive piece rate system and changes made to more efficient methods. (I hold a letter of commendation reflecting this.)

I have been a Hands On Person no mater what position or title I have held. This experience makes me a valuable source of information for any type of Manufacturing Environment.

I am available for any inquiry you may have, I will listen to all your suggestions and accommodate to your needs and unique environment. I am sure my extensive background in all Manufacturing aspects will be of significant value to you. Contact me through my address, phone, e-mail or fax as you wish.
